Welcome to WebsiteMaven, providing articles about internet technologies with a focus on making concepts and technologies accessible to small businesses and non-profits to set up and maintain a professional web presence.
The site has been re-vamped to move away from shared web hosting reviews and ratings and ratings of dedicated VPS hosting. Some of the old content is still in very old posts, but I will make a disclaimer that I simply don’t have time to keep it up to date. In the fast-paced and competitive market of Web Hosting, players come and go, and if the hosts I once recommended are still in business, then they are reputable. The only way companies survive is to have solid service delivery that ensures not only customer satisfaction but also keeps overhead low, ensuring the lowest price.
I’ll be contributing articles on a weekly basis and encourage others to participate as well. I’ll have a high bar for contribution. You’ll need to be a recognized expert in your field to add content to any of the categories, as I’m moving away from making this simply an affiliate site.